Heartwarming Rescue of an injured white Owl By Heavy Electric shock

A rare species of white owl got injured near Dharamshala stadium on June 2023 by an electric shock with heavy-duty wires near the stadium. The Rakesh Gularia who is deployed in Himachal police informed to Shiva Foundation to rescue him and give him proper first Aid. When the volunteers of the foundation reached there, they saw that the owl was terrified by that incident and not able to fly properly.
For instant relief, volunteers provide first Aid to Owl. Later the Vet examined the owl and gave him a pain relief injection. After the First-aid Volunteers of Shiva Foundation handed over the injured owl to the forest department of Dharamshala (As per the forest act protocol).
We all should help be the mouthpiece of the voiceless. It’s true that:-‘ If you take care of an animal, you are one step closer to God “.