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7 Ways to Help Your Senior Furry Dog Feel Young Again

Senior Dog
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dog’s age quicker than humans, which means they reach aging status much earlier. It’s a fact that we all understand the point we bring home a new pup – no matter how young he might be today, he will grow into an old, grey senior. But puppies, by their nature, will still be young at heart. However, a puppy officially becomes a ‘senior dog’ relying on the breed and size. This is because smaller puppies tend to live longer than big dog breeds. Small puppies normally live up to 15 to 20 years old. Meanwhile, bigger breed dogs have a shorter lifespan of 8 to 15 years.
But just because they are slightly calmer, slower, and wiser than they once were doesn’t mean that older dogs can’t recapture their puppyhood!

Symptoms of Aging

Most canines show similar symptoms of old age as humans do. These include:

  • Joint pain
  • White fur around the mouth
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Senility
  • Lethargy

Some signs manifest shortly than later for other dog breeds, but this shouldn’t cause quick concern. Your old furry dog may still have sufficient power to experience and enjoy daily routines with you.

As their owner, you have to guarantee their quality of life and pleasure. You can boost your senior dog to feel like a puppy again with the use of these ways:

Change and Maintain Your Dog’s Diet

Like humans, dogs’ weight can fluctuate drastically the more senior they get. This is because as your canine ages, its metabolism delays down, and they no longer require the high-calorie diet they needed when they were young. So if you utilized to feed your dog a lot of food when they were younger, it’s advisable to limit amounts now.
You can confer with your dog’s vet to get advice on your pet’s offered nutrition and calorie information for their age. Older canines need a diet rich in fiber and low in calories and sodium to maintain their fitness. Also, attach with wet food. The extra wetness in their meals will help them, so rush some bone broth or water into their dry feeds. Or better yet, feed them high-quality or homemade dog meals.
Moreover, you also have to weigh your canine regularly. If you have a small dog, you can do this at the house with a bathroom scale. Bigger dogs will need to take a journey to the vet to use a veterinary scale.

Add Supplements

Supplements and vitamins help and maintain the additional parts of the body. From a healthy immune system and healthy joints to a shiny coat, supplements can help your senior dog feel young again! Make sure to give the most suitable supplements according to your furry dog’s size and ability.

Regular Exercise

It is very common for owners of a senior dog to stop daily exercise from their routine due to mobility issues or other age-related illnesses. Unfortunately, by doing this, you can usually make their physical conditions more destructive. Helping your canines stay active not only gives them a big lift mentally but also delays the results of aging.
Even the most arthritic canines need to keep moving. An excellent way to help them resume to exercise is via hydrotherapy. Activity in water is much easier for their joints but can still give them the required activity.

Maintain Healthy Teeth

Dental healthiness is far more than a cute smile. The uncontrolled bacterial build-up in the jaws can cause bad breath, tooth loss, pain, and even lead to kidney, liver, and heart disorders. Despite the importance of dental health, you should never start an at-home regimen without conferring with your vet. Moreover, your pooch may require professional dental cleaning to remove extra tartar and plaque to make your furry dog’s teeth healthy and strong.

Spend Time Together

As your dog slows down, but your life resumes, your canine may feel left out. He can no longer go on those long walks or camping journeys in the mountains, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to go with you. He does; he can’t hold up like he used to. You can’t stop his aging, but you can find methods to spend a moment with him.
Ask him up on the sofa so he can nap next to you as you read or watch a movie. Next, raise him on the bed so the two of you can take a nap. Now, take a blanket out in the backyard, lay it on the grass underneath a tree, and lie down with your good doggy. Not just will your canine enjoy the time you spend with him now, but these memories will be with you forever.

Play Every Day

Never underestimate the power of play! Not just does the daily activity help your senior’s body stay fit and strong, but it also allows a sharp, alert mind. Try different outings, puzzle toys, canine skills, or brain games such as hide-&-seek.

Doggy Massage

Dogs of all ages love a pleasing rub down, but did you understand that some massage therapists are allowed to give treatment to dogs? Canine massage not only relieves joint pain and muscle cramps but also enhances digestion, relieves anxiety, boosts the immune system, and boosts healthy blood flow throughout the body.
The advantage of helping your senior canine feel young is that you feel quite comfortable during this procedure. Healthy, happy, and energetic living can do wonders for your dog and yourself!